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Invisible AI for Technical Interviews

How to Use Interview Coder

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Please enter your OpenAI API key to continue. Your key will not be stored, so keep it in a safe place to copy it for next time. Press ⌘ + B to hide/show the window.

built out of frustration by n'

Capture the Problem

Start taking screenshots

Use ⌘ + H to capture the problem. Up to 5 screenshots will be saved and shown on the application.

Take first screenshot

Get your solutions

Once you've captured your screenshots, press ⌘ + ↵ to generate solutions. We'll analyze the problem and provide a solution with detailed explanations.

Problem Statement

Extracting problem statement...

Debug and Optimize

Debug your solutions

If the solutions are incorrect or you need an optimization, take extra screenshots of your code with ⌘ + H. Press ⌘ + ↵ again and we'll debug and optimize your code, with before and after comparisons.

What I Changed (Read these aloud)

The current solution uses nested loops, resulting in O(n²) time complexity.
We can optimize this by using a hash map to store previously seen numbers.
This reduces time complexity to O(n) with O(n) space trade-off.

Before (Brute Force)

1def twoSum(nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
2    n = len(nums)
3    # Check every possible pair
4    for i in range(n):
5        for j in range(i + 1, n):
6            if nums[i] + nums[j] == target:
7                return [i, j]
8    return []  # No solution found

After (Optimized)

1def twoSum(nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
2    seen = {}  # Value -> Index mapping
3    for i, num in enumerate(nums):
4        complement = target - num
5        if complement in seen:
6            return [seen[complement], i]
7        seen[num] = i
8    return []  # No solution found


Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n)

Commands we love

These commands are designed to be natural and easy to remember.

⌘ + B

Hide/show the Interview Coder window instantly.

⌘ + H

Problem Mode:Capture screenshots of the interview question and requirements.
Solution Mode:Take screenshots of your code to get optimization suggestions.

⌘ + ↵

Problem Mode:Generate an initial solution with detailed explanations based on the problem screenshots.
Solution Mode:Debug and optimize your existing solution based on your code screenshots.

⌘ + ↑↓←→

Move the window around your screen without touching the mouse.

⌘ + R

Reset everything to start fresh with a new problem.

⌘ + Q

Quit the application to remove the functionality of all keyboard commands.

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